Shared reports and summaries from A&R and campus partners support data-driven decision making.
Contact Assessment & Research or the listed campus partners for questions on reports.

Report | Office | Description |
Supporting Students Experiencing Temporary Financial Hardship 2024 Report | Arizona Innovation Alliance | Summary of insights on student financial considerations and recommendations from Arizona Innovation Alliance Tri-University (ASU, U of A and NAU) Learning Studio sessions in 2024. |
Undergraduate Health and Wellness Survey 2024 Quick Look | Campus Health | This 4-page summary distills insights from the 2024 Undergraduate Health and Wellness Survey, administered to a stratified random sample of students. See also the thematic summaries listed below. |
Alcohol and Other Drug Quick Look | Campus Health | 2-page summary on findings relating to alcohol and other drug use from the Undergraduate Health and Wellness Survey 2024 |
Wellbeing Quick Look | Campus Health | 1-page summary on findings relating to physical health and wellbeing from the Undergraduate Health and Wellness Survey 2024 |
Mental Health Quick Look | Campus Health | 2-page summary on findings relating to mental health from the Undergraduate Health and Wellness Survey 2024 |
Sexual Health Quick Look | Campus Health | 1-page summary on findings relating to sexual health from the Undergraduate Health and Wellness Survey 2024 |
Trellis Progress Report 2024 | Student Success & Retention Innovation | Overview of what Trellis Progress is, faculty adoption rates over time, and impact to students. |
Campus Pantry Impact Report 2024 | Dean of Students Office | Executive summary of campus pantry impact analysis to assess food security, mental health and stress, academic success, and sense of belonging of pantry users. |
Internship Engagement Report 2024 | Student Engagement & Career Development | Provides insight into internship participation at UA by triangulating data from the National Clearing House, the Graduating Senior Survey, the Next Steps Center Survey, and student enrollment records. |
Research Engagement Report 2024 | Student Engagement & Career Development | Provides insight into research participation at UA by triangulating data from the National Clearing House, the Graduating Senior Survey, the Next Steps Center Survey, and student enrollment records (plus CURE course attributes starting Fall 2023). |
Destination Arizona - Past Participant Focus Group Report | Orientation & New Student Services | Summarizes findings from in-person focus groups conducted with past Destination Arizona participants to assess program experience and impact. |
2023 Arizona Arts Inclusive Climate Survey Detailed Report | Arizona Arts | Summarizes findings from Arizona Arts' first division-wide Inclusive Climate Survey (ICS), conducted in Spring 2023. |
New Student Interest Form - 2023-2024 reports | SSRI Strategy Team | The reports included here summarize findings emerging from the New Student Interest Form for the entire first-year population, for first-years only and for transfers only. |
Student Services Fee Survey Report: Fall 2023 | Assessment & Research | Reports findings from a bi-annual survey of all main campus students on their priorities for student services fee funding to inform allocations by the review board. |
Student Sense of Belonging Brief: Fall 2023 | Student Success & Retention Innovation | Summarizes research on sense of belonging nationally and what is known about belonging among undergraduate students at the University of Arizona |
APASA Mental Health Brief | Campus Health | Mental health outcomes of Asian, Pacific Islander, and South Asian American (APASA) students at UA campus |
Hispanic/Latinx Mental Health Brief | Campus Health | Mental health outcomes of Hispanic/Latinx students at UA campus |
Wayfinders AY 2023 Summary | Wayfinders | Activities and impact summary for Wayfinders advising program 2022-23 developed for Assessment Institute capstone. |
Gender Gap in 4-Year Graduation: 5 Year Trends Fall 2022 | Assessment & Research | Report examines institutional graduation rates for first-time full-time students across all campuses by gender and race/ethnicity. |
First-Year New Student Interest Form Fall 2022 | Student Success & Retention Innovation | The New Student Interest Form's reports new student involvement and career interests, intended engagement experiences as an undergraduate, anticipated support needs, and intent to graduate. |
Campus Health Social Media Engagement | Campus Health | Insights on students engagement with Campus Health social media from 2022. |
Campus Health Mental Health Crisis Brief | Campus Health | Mental health brief based on recent national and student surveys including Health & Wellness 2022 data, as well as CAPS usage. |
2021 Basic Needs Summary | Basic Needs Coalition | Summary distilling insights from the Basic Needs survey and focus groups carried out in 2021 and presented at the 2022 Basic Needs Symposium. |
Graduating Senior Survey Summary | 2021-22 | Student Engagement & Career Development | Findings from the Graduating Senior Survey (post-graduation destinations, career-related experiences, applied learning, learning outcomes and satisfaction, predictors of outcomes) are described and discussed. |
2022 Internship Survey | Student Engagement & Career Development | Insights from a survey sent to a sample of sophomores, juniors, and seniors intended to help administrators better understand the internship process, perceptions around internship participation, and barriers to internship participation. |
Arizona Online and Distance Education: 2022 Undergraduate Student Experience Survey | Arizona Online and Distance Education | Arizona Online and Distance Education’s biennial Undergraduate Student Experience Survey is an ongoing endeavor that helps the department assess the collective student experience. |
EAO Statewide Strategic Outreach Engagement Report 2020-2022 | Early Academic Outreach | Summary of Statewide Strategic Outreach Initiative in 2020-2022 |
SALT Center Student Usage Summary 2015-2020 | SALT Center | Summary of findings related to SALT Center student engagement and associated retention and grade point average. |
Graduating Senior Survey Summary | 2020-21 | Student Engagement & Career Development | Findings from the Graduating Senior Survey (post-graduation destinations, career-related experiences, applied learning, learning outcomes and satisfaction, predictors of outcomes) are described and discussed. |
Fostering Success | Fostering Success | Executive summary describing the number of students served, key services, and impact Fostering Success has on retention. |
UA Foster Care, Unaccompanied, and Homeless Students & Solutions from Fostering Success | Fostering Success | Fostering Success report findings informed by national context on how to best serve college students that have experienced the foster care system or are unaccompanied homeless and housing insecure youth. |
Graduating Senior Survey 2018-2021: First-Generation Student Insights | Student Engagement & Career Development | A 3-year review of key insights from the Graduating Senior Survey post-graduation outcomes among First-Generation bachelor degree recipients. |
Graduating Senior Survey 2018-2021: Hispanic-Latinx Student Insights | Student Engagement & Career Development | A 3-year review of key insights from the Graduating Senior Survey post-graduation outcomes among Hispanic-Latinx bachelor degree recipients. |
Graduating Senior Survey 2018-2021: American Indian-Alaska Native Student Insights | Student Engagement & Career Development | A 3-year review of key insights from the Graduating Senior Survey post-graduation outcomes among American Indian or Alaska Native bachelor degree recipients. |
Graduating Senior Survey 2018-2021: Black or African American Student Insights | Student Engagement & Career Development | A 3-year review of key insights from the Graduating Senior Survey post-graduation outcomes among Black or African American bachelor degree recipients. |
Graduating Senior Survey 2018-2021: Asian, Native Hawaiian, or Other Pacific Islander Student Insights | Student Engagement & Career Development | A 3-year review of key insights from the Graduating Senior Survey post-graduation outcomes among Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander bachelor degree recipients. |
Student Experiences with Writing Summary | Assessment & Research | Summary of first-year and senior main campus students' responses to the National Survey of Student Engagement supplemental Experience with Writing Module from spring 2021. |
Student Services Fee Survey | Fall 2021 | Academic Administration | The survey gathers undergraduate and graduate student opinion to assist in the prioritization of services considered for fee funding. |
New Student Interest Form - Hispanic Students | Fall 2021 | Assessment & Research | New Student Interest Form insights on new first-year Hispanic students. |
New Main Campus First Year Student Insights | Fall 2021 | Student Success & Retention Innovation | The New Student Interest Form's primary purpose is the collection of new student involvement and career interests, intended engagement experiences as an undergraduate, anticipated support needs, and intent to graduate. |
Graduating Senior Survey Report: First-Generation Student Highlights | 2019-20 | Student Engagement & Career Development | Key insights from the Graduating Senior Survey post-graduation outcomes among First-Generation bachelor degree recipients |
Blue Chip First Year Experience: Fall 2020 Cohort Retention | Fall 2021 | Student Engagement & Career Development | Blue Chip's First Year Experience provides first year students experiential learning opportunities and engagement with other like-minded Wildcats. Summary results demonstrate the impact on retention. |
New Main Campus Pell Out-of-State Student Insights | Fall 2021 | Assessment & Research | Pell Out-of-State new main campus student preferences for involvement and engagement interests, anticipated support needs, and future career goals. |
New Veteran and Military-Connected First Year and Transfer Student Interests and Expectations | Fall 2021 | Dean of Students Office | The New Student Interest Form’s (NSIF) primary purpose is the collection of new student involvement and career interests, intended engagement experiences as an undergraduate and support needs. |
New First Generation Student Insights | Fall 2021 | Thrive Center | New Student Interest Form insights on new first generation student involvement and career interests, expectations for engagement experiences, and support needs. |
New Transfer Student Insights | Fall 2021 | Thrive Center | New Student Interest Form insights on new transfer student involvement and career interests, expectations for engagement experiences, and support needs. |
Online and Distance Education: Graduate Student Experience Survey | Spring 2021 | Arizona Online and Distance Education | Assessment results of AZO & Distance Education student perceptions of program onboarding, program quality, access to course materials, work/family/life balance, and overall satisfaction with their experience through Arizona Online and Distance Education. |
Bioethics Graduate Program Student Survey Summary | Spring 2021 | Health Sciences Strategic Initiatives | Summarizes student opinions and key takeaways from the Health Sciences Global Bioethics Graduate Program survey to understand interest, pricing, and perspectives of developing a graduate program in Bioethics at UA. |
Student Basic Needs Summary | Spring 2021 | Assessment & Research | In Spring 2021, the University of Arizona launched an inaugural Student Basic Needs Survey in collaboration with the UArizona Student Basic Needs Coalition. |
Student Texting Attitudes Survey Summary | Spring 2021 | Trellis | A survey was administered to all University of Arizona students to understand their opinions, attitudes, and current behaviors regarding texting both in general and specifically in regard to receiving text messages from UArizona. The ultimate goal was to ensure that students have a voice as the university crafts policy and practice surrounding mass texts to students. |
Arizona Assurance Scholars Program Review and Recommendations | May 2021 | Assessment and Research | The analysis takes an organizational lens at the university-level with a focus on retention and completion. The review also recognizes trends with respect to enrollment, financial aid patterns, debt, and post-graduation outcomes. |
UA Student COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Follow-up Survey Report | April 2021 | Campus Health | Follow-up to the earlier Spring 2021 assessment on UA student vaccination experiences to inform the UA COVID-19 Task Force strategies. |
Graduating Senior Survey Summary | 2019-20 | Student Engagement & Career Development | Findings from the Graduating Senior Survey (post-graduation destinations, career-related experiences, applied learning, learning outcomes and satisfaction, predictors of outcomes) are described and discussed. |
Graduating Senior Survey (AY 2019 - 2020) ABOR Questions Summary | Spring 2021 | Assessment & Research | Each year the Graduating Senior Survey (GSS) is administered to University of Arizona bachelor degree recipients. The GSS captures ABOR required questions on student satisfaction and indirect measures of student learning. |
Wayfinders Program Assessment | AY 2020-21 | Wayfinders | The assessment describes the profile of a Wayfinders participants, changes to pre/post-COVID services, and gauge campus awareness of the Wayfinders program among targeted campus departments. |
UA Student Vaccine Hesitancy Survey Highlights | February 2021 | Campus Health | Summary of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and perceptions among UA students was developed in order to inform COVID-19 vaccination education, communication, and administration efforts. |
Global and Online Aging Programs Student Survey Summary | Spring 2021 | Health Sciences Strategic Initiatives | Survey findings outlining student opinions and key takeaways on the proposed interdisciplinary graduate programs in the area of Aging. |
Student Emergency Fund | May - Dec 2020 Insights | Office of the Dean of Students | Summary of students who received funding from the Student Emergency Fund and their reported needs for fund use. |
Campus Pantry Survey on Item Needs | Fall 2020 | Campus Pantry | Survey results of Campus Pantry user needs in terms of food requests and items offered. |
Campus Pantry Usage Summary | AY 2019-20 | Campus Pantry | Describes patterns of usage of Campus Pantry over AY 2019-2020. |
AzAidSmart At A Glance | Spring-Summer 2020 | Scholarships & Financial Aid Office | Summary describing Financial Aid Literacy programs across Spring and Summer 2020. |
Blue Chip First Year Experience: Freshman 2019 Cohort Retention | Student Engagement & Career Development | Blue Chip First Year Experience Freshman were assessed to determine the impact on student retention as a result of participation. |
Key Insights: UA Study on Collegiate Financial Wellness | Spring 2020 | Assessment & Research | The summary describes key insights on financial wellness by themes: Paying for College, Financial Stress and Precarity, Student Loans, Financial Education, Financial Self-Efficacy and Capability |
Faculty 2019-2020 Demographics and 9 Year Equity Gap Analysis Between Faculty and Students | Faculty Affairs | This report describes faculty composition trends from 2019-2020 and includes a nine-year equity gap representation analysis for sex (male/female) and race/ethnicity. The purpose of this report is to understand the current demographics of faculty by identified equity features within higher education. |
UA Study on Collegiate Financial Wellness | Spring 2020 | Assessment & Research | University of Arizona undergraduates participated in a February 2020 multi-institutional survey that examines the financial attitudes, practices, and knowledge of college students. |
UA Student Online/Remote Classroom Experience and Learning Survey Results | September 2020 | Office of Instruction and Assessment | Students were surveyed in early September to better understand what aspects of the online/remote classroom experience support learning, how the University of Arizona can further strengthen those efforts, and identify areas for improvement. |
UA Student Technology/Software Needs | September 2020 | Office of Instruction and Assessment | Prioritized list of technology and software needs ranked high to low. |
Latinx Student Online/Remote Classroom Experience & Learning Survey | September 2020 | Office of Instruction and Assessment | Latinx student experiences, perceptions, and needs within the online/remote classroom environment. |
Native American Student Online/Remote Classroom Experience & Learning Survey | September 2020 | Office of Instruction and Assessment | Native American student experiences, perceptions, and needs within the online/remote classroom environment. |
Arizona's Science, Engineering & Math Scholars Program (ASEMS) | Summary 2020 | ASEMS | Summary of ASEMS goals, key program components, and impact on STEM student success. |
Arizona Online Student Experience | Executive Summary (2020) | Arizona Online | Arizona Online survey findings of their interactions with advisors, faculty and students, perceptions of program quality, access to course materials, use of technology, financial well-being, and academic-life balance can be used to enhance the Arizona Online student experience and their success. |
Campus Recreation 2018-2019 Summary | Campus Recreation | Summary of the usage patterns of Campus Recreation over the 2018-2019 academic year. |
Campus Pantry | Executive Summary (2019) | Campus Pantry, Student Governance & Programs | Summary of Campus Pantry users over the Fall 2019 semester reporting a) Trends of distribution use over time, b) Findings for Enrolled Student Users, and c) Student user group demographics compared to campus population. |
Build the Skill | Executive Summary (2019) | Student Engagement & Career Development | Assessment of Build the Skill (BTS) - a non-credit micro-credential program for undergraduate students to develop in-demand soft skills that present real value to employers and graduate schools. Students have the opportunity to build one or several skills, including Collaboration, Leadership, Design Thinking, and Professional Communication. |
Design Thinking Challenges Summary (Spring 2017 & Spring 2018) | Student Engagement & Career Development | Assessment of Student Engagement's piloted two Design Thinking Challenges during the spring semesters of 2017 and 2018. |
Design Thinking Challenges | Executive Summary (2019) | Student Engagement & Career Development | Assessment of student learning outcomes and implications for practice for UA Design Thinking Challenge. |
Graduate & Professional Student Parents: Campus Consortium Summary (2019) | GPSC & Campus Recreation | A subset of survey questions was used to supplement and expand upon the qualitative data gathered from focus groups on students which children. |
Graduate & Professional Student Parents: Focus Group Analysis and Summary (2019) | GPSC & Campus Recreation | Focus group results for graduate and professional students with children needs, perceptions, and experiences. Recommendations for programs and polices are shared. |
UA Blue Chip Leadership Experience | (2018-2019 Executive Summary) | Student Engagement & Career Development | Blue Chip Leadership is designed to help students engage on campus by making interpersonal and involvement connections, developing leadership and professional skills, and leading in their communities. The summary describes assessment results from 2018-2019 on learning and program outcomes. |
Arizona Online Student Experience - Summary (2018) | Arizona Online | Arizona Online spring 2018 undergraduates were invited to respond to a survey about their online student experience, including their access to course materials using D2L, their interactions with advisors and faculty, and academic-life balance. This summary highlights Arizona Online student experiences and perceptions to inform teaching, advising, and support services. |
Blue Chip Leadership Experience | Executive Summary (2017-2018) | Student Engagement & Career Development | Assessment results of Blue Chip Leadership Experience 2017-2018. |
Campus Recreation Use & Student Success (2018) | Campus Recreation | The present analysis seeks to better understand how a more consistent use of Campus Recreation programs, services, and facilities relates to student development and freshman retention. This is accomplished by analyzing student survey results, Campus Recreation user information, and institutional data. |
Career Destination Survey (2017 - 2018) | Student Engagement & Career Development | Findings from the Career Destination Survey on post-graduation outcomes of post-graduation destinations, employment, graduate school, and learning outcomes and satisfaction inform UA's strategies. |
Cats After Dark Assessment Report (2018) | Cats After Dark | Cats After Dark (CAD) is a central late night programming initiative at the University of Arizona. Assessment and attendance tracking results are highlighted in 2017-2018 with implications for future planning. |
Fraternity & Sorority Programs Annual Report (2018) | Fraterntiy & Sororoity Programs | Spring - Fall 2018 Annual Report for Fraternity & Sorority Programs: Retention & Career Outcomes, Academic Support, Service and Philanthropic Endeavors, Fundraising and Alumnae Relations, Leadership, Community Growth & Change, Health and Wellness, & Councils and Boards. |
Global Experiential Learning Program (2018) | Dean of Students | GEL offers students invaluable opportunities to learn about diverse communities around the world and develop cultural competencies that are essential for engaging in an increasingly diverse world. This report explores the impact of the short low-cost cultural immersion trips on student experience and world view. |
Hispanic Alumni Scholarship & Success Express Course: Retention, Graduation, and GPA Outcomes (2018) | University of Arizona Hispanic Alumni (UAHA) Scholarship Program | This summary reports retention and graduation rates of five cohorts of freshman level UAHA Scholarship recipients who participated in the Success Express course. |
McNair Scholar's Program Executive Summary (Summer 2018) | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Consortium | Evaluation of UA McNair Program's four objectives for student participants: 1) Confidence is a belief in one's own ability, 2) Motivation is intention to take action in pursuit of goals, 3) Learning is acquiring knowledge and skills, and 4) Professional identification in feeling like a scientist. |
Student Legal Services (2018) | Student Legal Services | SLS Highlights of services rendered and satisfaction. |
UA Campus Recreation Graduate & Professional Student Survey Report (2018) | Graduation and Professional Student Council & Campus Recreation | Conducted by the Graduate & Professional Student Council (GPSC) with several campus partners during spring semester of 2018. The purpose of this assessment was to gain insight into the needs, perceptions, and usage patterns of graduate level students, to best meet their on-campus recreation requirements (equipment, services, and programming). |
UA Veteran Alliance Summary (2018) | Veteran Education & Transition Services | UA South and Veteran Education & Transition Services launched the UA Veteran Alliance in Fall 2017 to build a coalition of allies across the campus and Tucson community to better advocate, engage, and support veteran student success. The summary highlights key findings in a survey conducted among participants indicating increased knowledge, confidence in abilities and allyship for veteran students. |
Unique Impact of Programs and Services on Fall 2016 Freshman Retention (2018) | SSRI - Student Success and Retention Innovation | A multivariate logistic regression analysis evaluated the unique contribution of first-year programs and services on retention outcomes after accounting for other factors that affect retention. Results provide staff, faculty, and leaders a better understanding of how freshman students benefit from their involvement in first year experiences by continuing into their sophomore year at the University of Arizona. |
Report | Office | Description |
Career Destination Executive Summary (2016-2017) | Student Engagement & Career Development |
The University of Arizona participates in a nationwide initiative to gather data about undergraduate students’ post-graduation outcomes. Findings from the Career Destination Survey inform UA’s strategies for improved student success. The 2016-2017 survey yielded a response rate of 59% (N=3,875). The survey is distributed to graduating students approximately two months prior to the end of their last semester and up through six months post-graduation. This report includes highlights from the Career Destination Survey among students who received a bachelor’s degree between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017. |
Closing the Loop Summary (2017) | Assessment & Research |
This summary communicates findings from a survey on ways in which divisional units closed the loop, which is the process of converting student and institutional performance data into action that makes a difference. |
MASCulinity Initiatives Report (2016-2017) | Early Academic Outreach | Annual report on MASCulinity (Men, Access, School, Community) Initiatives. |
Transfer Student Experience (2017) | Transfer Student Center | Summarizes data pertaining to the undergraduate transfer student experience at UA Main Campus with comparison data to 2014 findings. |
UA Student Well-Being: Gallup Survey Results (2017) | Campus Recreation |
Summarizes UA undergraduate experiences of well-being and primary drivers: Engaged Students, Student Involvement, Campus Recreation, Student Support, and Student Attachment. |
Campus Climate Survey (2016) | Dean of Students |
The Campus Climate survey was conducted in Spring 2016 and data analysis ensued which included responses from approximately 1,700 UA students. It measures student experiences across seven topics: general UA perceptions, general academic experience, student-faculty interaction, academic advising, engagement and involvement patterns, climate for diversity, and economic climate. |
Alternative Spring Break Assessment Report (2016) | ASUA | Summary of assessment results communicating student development along The Active Citizen Continuum using a pre/post-test method. |
Assessment Institute Evaluation Summary (2016) | SAEM/AISS |
The Assessment Institute provides 12 professional staff or graduate assistants the opportunity to develop and hone in on their assessment knowledge and abilities. The summary captures their reported learning and experiences within the 8 different modules attended. |
ASUA Annual Report (2015-2016) | ASUA |
A comprehensive review of programs and services offered by Associated Students of the University of Arizona (ASUA) in the 2015-2016 academic year. |
Bear Down Camp (2015-2016) | ASUA |
Bear Down Camp provides a supplemental and integrative introduction to UA for freshman students. The summary communicates results on how freshman experienced and improved their connection to the university. |
Career Destination Executive Summary (2015-2016) | Student Affairs, Enrollment Management, Academic Initiatives & Student Success |
The University of Arizona participates in a nationwide initiative to gather data about undergraduate students’ post-graduation outcomes. Findings from the Career Destination Survey inform UA’s strategies for improved student success. |
Cats After Dark Assessment Results Fall Report (Fall 2016) | Cats After Dark |
Cats After Dark is a collaborative central late night programming initiative at UA. The report details methods and findings from assessments of Cats After Dark in its first semester, Fall 2016. |
Closing the Assessment Loop Summary (2016) | Assessment & Research |
Assessment & Research assesses how the SAEM/AISS Division is closing the assessment loop. The summary covers the type of assessment conducted in the division and methods of communicating and using the results to close the assessment loop. |
College Academy for Parents (2016) | Early Academic Outreach | A comprehensive report providing an overview of the program, methodology, and a detailed presentation of assessment findings. |
College Academy for Parents (2016) | Early Academic Outreach | An executive summary of CAP's program, assessment findings, and implications for research and practice. |
Finals Survival Week Wrap-up Report (Spring 2016) | SAEM/AISS Division | Overview of Finals Survival Week student participation, outcomes, and recommendations for future programming. |
Man Up! and Go to College (2016) | Early Academic Outreach |
Assessment summary of three programs under the Man Up! Go to College initiative: Man Up! And Go to College Conference, Masculinity and Its Many Intersections, and Cultural Center Speaker Series. |
Next Steps Center Freshman Survey (2016) | Enrollment Management |
A summary of data gathered about pre-college involvement with the UA, the extent to which these experiences influenced their decision to attend the UA and selection of major, and their desired areas for current involvement. |
Office of Digital Learning Annual Report (2015-2016) | Office of Digital Learning |
The Office of Digital Learning was established in Spring 2015. This report summarizes the office's achievements in the past year of supporting faculty and the development of UA Online. |
Parent & Family Programs: Engagement and Satisfaction Executive Report (2016) | Parent & Family Programs |
The survey is administered to parents and family members of students to gauge their engagement and satisfaction with programs, initiatives, and overall perceptions of UA. |
SafeRide Service Report (2016) | ASUA |
SafeRide is a free transportation services for UA affiliates. Assessment findings present SafeRide usage, satisfaction, and feedback for services in the future. |
SchoolsApp Executive Summary (2016) | Undergraduate Admissions |
A summary of student engagement using SchoolsApp, an online community used to provide admitted students a space to ask questions and connect with future classmates. |
Supplemental Instruction's Impact on STEM Major Persistence (2016) | Think Tank |
This study compared the STEM major persistence rates among UA freshmen and their use of SI. The summary also presents differential impact of SI on under-represented minority STEM students. |
UA Student Alcohol Trends (2016) | Campus Health |
Overview of the the annually administered Health & Wellness Survey findings from 2005 to 2015. The report includes trends in student alcohol use and assessment results of UA Campus Health Service's award-winning alcohol prevention programs. |
AAU Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Misconduct (2015) | Dean of Students |
The American Association of Universities Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Misconduct was produced in collaboration with 27 institutions of higher education, including the UA. The survey was intended to tell us more about what our students experience and to gauge their awareness of both the resources available and the staff working to prevent and address sexual assault and misconduct on our campus. |
Bear Down Camp Assessment Summary (2015) | Associated Students of the University of Arizona |
A summary of assessment results highlighting a low-cost opportunity for incoming UA students who receive a supplemental and integrative welcome to campus life. |
Campus Recreation Student Survey: Recruitment, Retention, Academic Success, & Engagement (2015) | Campus Recreation | Findings communicating the impact of Campus Recreation on recruitment, retention, wellness, academic success, and student engagement. |
Campus Recreation Student Use and Wellness (2015) | Campus Recreation |
Summary of results for Campus Recreation student use, needs, and interests regarding services and the impact of health and wellness outcomes. |
Career Destination Survey: Executive Summary (2015) | Career Services |
UA's results from a nationwide initiative to gather data on undergraduate students' post-graduation outcomes. Career and graduate school placement findings are broken down by academic college and major. |
Leadership Programs Annual Report (2015) | Leadership Programs | Leadership Development's key accomplishments in 2014-2015 |
National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) (2015) | Student Affairs, Enrollment Management, Academic Initiatives & Student Success |
The National Survey of Student Engagement measures student engagement (Academic Challenge, Learning with Peers, Experiences with Faculty, and Campus Environment) and high-impact engagement practices among UA freshman and senior students. |
Student Services Fee Survey (2015) | Student Affairs, Enrollment Management, Academic Initiatives & Student Success |
Annual survey to receive undergraduate and graduate student feedback on services and initiatives that should receive priority funding from the Student Services Fee |
Supplemental Instruction's Impact on STEM Course Success (2015) | Think Tank |
This study compared the course success rates among UA students who regularly participated in Supplemental Instruction (SI) for SI-supported STEM courses in fall 2015 to those who did not. |
Supplemental Instruction’s Impact on Chemistry 151 (2015) | Think Tank |
This study compared the course success rates among UA students who regularly participated in Supplemental Instruction (SI) for CHEM 151 in fall 2015 to those who did not. Additionally, it analyzed the differential impact of SI for female and ethnic minority students in the course. |
Writing Center Usage and ENGL 101 Outcomes (2015) | Think Tank |
This study compared the retention and course success rates for students who utilized THINK TANK Writing Center services to those of students who did not. |
Campus Recreation Highlights (Spring 2015) | Campus Recreation | Campus Recreation Spring 2015 summary of program participation, facility use, reported outcomes from participants, and department news. |
Closing the Assessment Loop Survey (Fall 2014) | Student Affairs & Enrollment Management, Academic Initiatives & Student Success |
The fall 2014 Closing the Assessment Loop Survey was administered by Assessment and Research (A&R) to learn more about assessment conducted across the division and to understand how results are being used. The following highlights major findings. |
Alternative Breaks Summary (2015) | Associated Students of the University of Arizona |
Infographic summarizing the student experiences and assessment results of learning and development outcomes of participants in the 2015 UA Alternative Break trips. |
Bear Down Camp (2014) | Associated Students of the University of Arizona |
Assessment report communicating Bear Down Camp student outcomes and program evaluation. Bear Down Camp is a four-day camp that provides a high-impact orientation experience for freshmen students with a focus on traditions, academics, leadership and involvement, campus and community resources, and inclusion. |
Biannual Snapshot (June - December 2014) | Division of Student Affairs, Enrollment Management & Academic Initiatives, Student Success |
Divisional program and service highlights that showcase our efforts in the areas of recruitment, retention, and student engagement for career readiness. |
Campus Recreation Highlights (Fall 2014) | Campus Recreation |
Campus Recreation Fall 2014 report communicating program participation, recreation center use, reported outcomes from participants, and department news. |
LGBTQA+ Needs Assessment Report (2014) | LGBTQ Affairs and Health Services |
Findings include LGBTQA+ student and faculty/staff experiences, wellness, and needs. Results include demographics, experiences being 'out', campus climate, programming, health, and wellness. |
UA Student Sustainability Executive Summary (2014) | Office of Sustainability |
To support the sustainability efforts at the UA, a survey of the entire University student body was implemented that gauged students behaviors and perceptions as they relate to sustainability. Findings illustrate important aspects of UA students and their engagement in sustainability through four main themes: sustainability issues of concern, preferred ways to learn about sustainability, student support for UA sustainability initiatives, and students' sustainability-focused behavior. |
Vivir Mexico: Culture, History, and People Executive Summary (2014) | Division of Student Affairs & Enrollment Management, Academic Initiatives & Student Success |
Vivir Mexico: Culture, History, and People is a 5-week credit bearing study abroad course that includes face-to-face sessions before students depart to Mexico, content and activities in an online learning management system, abroad service-learning projects, along with other enriching in-country experiences led by a faculty expert. Multifaceted qualitative assessment revealed experienced gains in the following domains: Cognitive skills, global perspective, appreciation for diversity, awareness of self and others. |
College Academy for Parents Assessment (2014) | Early Academic Outreach | Assessment report measuring College Academy for Parents' growth in college knowledge. |
Student Services Fee Survey (2014) | Student Affairs, Enrollment Management, Academic Initiatives & Student Success |
Annual survey to receive undergraduate and graduate student feedback on services and initiatives that should receive priority funding from the Student Services Fee |
Veteran Student Experience and Engagement (2014) | Veteran Education and Transition Services |
An assessment study on veteran students' experience and engagement at UA. Focuses on veteran student support services use, importance, satisfaction, and preferred communication styles. |
National Student Financial Wellness Study Executive Summary (2014) | SAEM/AISS | The University of Arizona participated in The National Student Financial Wellness Study (NSFWS), a national survey of college students which examined the financial attitudes, practices, and knowledge of students from all types of institutions of higher education across the United States. |
National Student Financial Wellness Study UA Report (2014) | SAEM/AISS | Student Financial Wellness with comparisons to four-year public institutions |
Campus Recreation Center Market Survey (Fall 2013) | Campus Recreation |
An assessment examining the participation levels and interests of faculty in facilities, programs, and services offered by the Department of Campus Recreation. |
UA Degree Search Study (Advisors Survey) (2013) | Student Affairs Marketing |
This investigation gathered data to improve UA's Degree Search website focusing on student perceptions of the degree search process, third party search tools, and search criteria preferences. |
UA Degree Search Study (High School Counselor Survey) (2013) | Student Affairs Marketing |
This investigation gathered data to improve UA's Degree Search website focusing on student perceptions of the degree search process, third party search tools, and search criteria preferences. |
UA Degree Search Study (Parent Survey) (2013) | Student Affairs Marketing |
This investigation gathered data to improve UA's Degree Search website focusing on student perceptions of the degree search process, third party search tools, and search criteria preferences. |
Cyberbullying? Voices of College Students (2012) | Assessment & Research |
Chapter from Misbehavior Online in Higher Education in which University of Arizona researchers attempt to gain a rich understanding of the phenomenon of cyberbullying, a research area that has only recently emerged in relation to college students. |
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels: Academic Integrity in the 21st Century (2012) | Dean of Students |
National conference presentation outlining the findings from student and instructor surveys conducted at the University of Arizona in the spring of 2010, expanding upon previous research with an emphasis on new technologies, increasingly diverse student populations, instructors' practices and course policies, and experiences with the university procedures for responding to violations. Anticipate full report release in Fall 2012. |
Student Veteran Needs Assessment Survey (2012) | Veteran Education and Transition Services |
Needs assessment survey to better understand the academic and personal needs of currently enrolled student veterans and their family members. The report includes the following sections: profiles of UA veterans and family members including the military history of respondents, perceived needs for UA veterans, satisfaction with current UA services, transition and persistence experiences while at UA, and deployment experiences while at UA. |
Campus Recreation Market Survey (2012) | Campus Recreation |
An assessment measuring the impact of recreation services on students, examining the usage of Campus Recreation programs and facilities, and determining the level of satisfaction with these services. Includes an emphasis on the academic, social, emotional and health-related outcomes of Campus Recreation programs. |
Oasis Satisfaction Survey (2012) | Counseling and Psychological Services |
An assessment study using a quantitative, summative, self-report method of data-collection. Students using counseling and psychiatry CAPS/Oasis completed surveys. Examined students' perception of their CAPS/Oasis experience. Determined whether attending CAPS/Oasis contributed to: an increase in overall emotional health and wellness; improving school performance; decision to remain at U of A |
Triage Survey (2012) | Counseling and Psychological Services |
An assessment study using a quantitative, summative, self-report method of data-collection of students using walk-in services at CAPS. The study examined students' perception of their triage experience and determined whether attending Triage contributed to an increase in overall emotional health and wellness leading to improved social adjustment and overall motivation towards attending classes and improving school performance leading to academic success for the semester. |
UA Degree Search Study (2012) | Student Affairs Marketing |
This investigation gathered data to improve UA's Degree Search website focusing on student perceptions of the degree search process, third party search tools, and search criteria preferences. |
"Tell Us" Customer Service Assessment (Spring 2011) | Student Union Memorial Center |
The students collected surveys from two to three locations per week, collecting at least 40 responses per location. There was one standard survey used for all Dining locations and individual surveys for the Gallagher, U-Mart/Boost, and GamesRoom. |
Undergraduate Campus Climate Survey (2011) | Dean of Students |
Every five years, UA asks students about their experiences as a student both inside and outside of the classroom. The survey which was completed by 2,081undergraduates covers a broad spectrum of topics including overall perceptions of the UA community, academic experiences, academic advising, the current economic climate, diversity, involvement on campus, thriving on campus, and information technology. |
Probation Student Interventions Pilot Project (2010-2011) | Student Affairs & Academic Affairs |
Evaluation of two programmatic interventions for freshmen who went on academic probation at the end of their first year. The main finding was that probation pilot participants were 37% more likely than eligible students who did not participate to have been retained into the spring semester of 2011 and 52% more likely to be restored to good academic standing. |
Student Food Survey (2011) | Campus Health Service |
The purpose of this survey was to assess the values, perceptions and beliefs of students living on campus regarding food on the University of Arizona campus with the intention of gaining a better understanding of student needs and desires. |
Student Services Fee Survey (2011) | Student Affairs |
Annual survey to receive undergraduate and graduate student feedback on services and initiatives that should receive priority funding from the Student Services Fee. |
Career Services |
Each year, Universum Research randomly surveys students at Colleges and Universities throughout the world. The survey includes questions on student profile, employer attractiveness, career preferences and career services experience. The UA results as well as comparisons to the national sample are available. |
"Tell Us" Customer Service Assessment (Fall 2010) | Student Union Memorial Center |
The Arizona Student Unions surveyed at least 40 customers at each of its dining locations at random times throughout the course of the Spring 2011 semester, in order to gauge customer satisfaction. |
Arizona Assurance Mentor Survey (2010) | Arizona Assurance | Survey of Arizona Assurance mentors |
Centennial Hall Faculty Interviews (2010) | Student Affairs |
A review of interviews conducted with faculty teaching large classes in Centennial hall. Includes original questions asked as well recommendations for future policy |
Commuter Student Survey (2010) | Commuter Student Affairs |
Survey on issues important to commuter students': including transportation, housing arrangements, involvement on campus, and resources provided by Off-Campus Housing. |
Fraternal Organizations and Diversity (2010) | Millennial Student Project |
In what ways do students affiliated with fraternal organizations differ demographically from students in a general campus community with regard to perspectives on privilege and social justice? |
Regional Access Center Usage Survey (2010) | Enrollment Management | The study was conducted conjunction with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions to assess the usage of the (RCAC). |
Retail and Food Survey (2010) | Student Union Memorial Center |
A 5-minute survey that included items regarding student usage of the SUMC's eateries, services, and facilities within the past month. Off-campus eating establishment usage was assessed. |
Student Services Fee Survey (2010) | Student Affairs |
The goal of the Student Services Fee Survey was to receive input on programs and areas that undergraduate and graduate students think should receive funding priority for 2010-2011. |
Transfer Student Survey (2010) | Transfer Student Center |
Transfer Student Survey was created to take a poll of how students are using the Transfer Center Services, to understand how they are making the adjustment to UA and gather information about what services they may need. |
Arizona Assurance Pre Survey (2009) | Arizona Assurance | Survey of incoming Arizona Assurance students |
Bookstore Analysis of Student Survey (2009) | UA Bookstores | Analysis of a Nationwide survey conducted by The National Association of Bookstores for the UA Bookstores |
Safety Survey (2009) | Dean of Students | Comprehensive survey conducted to gain a better understanding of student's perceptions of safety on the UA campus. |
Student Satisfaction Survey (2009) | Think Tank | General satisfaction survey for students utilizing the Think Tanks programs |
Student Services Fee Parent Survey (2009) | Student Affairs | Survey to assess parent satisfaction with the use of the Student Services Fee |
Student Services Fee Survey (2009) | Student Affairs |
Follow up survey to assess student support for the Student Services Fee (SSF) and satisfaction with changes made following last year's evaluation |
Office of Institutional Research and Planning Support |
The Survey of Graduating Seniors is given each year to students just before they receive their baccalaureate degrees. Students are asked about their experiences with the university, their overall satisfaction with the university, how much their university experiences helped prepare them for their career, and whether they would recommend U of A to a college-bound friend. |
Survey on Learning Services (2009) | Learning Services |
Survey provided information on the types of services students were currently using, cross tabbed with year of study and/or classification. It also uncovered their thoughts on where/how they would like to access services. |
Office of Institutional Research and Planning Support |
The New Freshman Survey was administered annually from 1996-2008 to freshmen during New Freshmen Orientation or during Registration. Students were asked a little about their background, what brought them to UA, and about their expectations of college life. |
Student Satisfaction Survey (2008) | SALT Center | General satisfaction survey for students utilizing the Salt Centers programs |
Office of Institutional Research and Planning Support | Office of Institutional Research and Planning Support | |
Campus Climate (2006) | Dean of Students |
Comprehensive assessment of the campus climate, to help university officials gain a better understanding of what it is like to be a student at the University of Arizona. |
Office of Institutional Research and Planning Support |
The UA Graduate Survey was administered in 1995-1996 and then from 2000-2006 to former students 3 years after graduation. Students were asked about their experiences with the university, their overall satisfaction with the university, how much their university experiences helped prepare them for their career, their recent work experiences, and whether they would recommend UA to a college-bound friend. |
Office of Institutional Research and Planning Support |
The Student Experiences Questionnaire was administered from 1997-2005 to students who had completed a minimum of 50 credits. Students were asked about their experiences on campus so far, including faculty contact, satisfaction with the university, courses and advising, as well as about their course load and working while in school. |
Survey of Students Attending Career Services Workshops (2005) | Career Services | Survey given to students attending Career Services workshops |
Employer Satisfaction Survey (2003) | Career Services | Employers interviewing on campus completed a satisfaction survey around UA students' skill sets. |
Focus Groups (2003) | AZ Student Media |
The Wildcat conducted three focus groups with targeted readership niches: 1) Greeks, 2) Chicano-Hispanic students, and 3) African American students. |
Pre/Post Survey of New Start attending a Career Workshop | Career Services | Brief pre and post survey to assess the outcomes of New Start students attending a career services workshop |
Pre/Post Survey of Students attending a Job Search (2003) | Career Services | Pre and post assessment for a One-stop Job Search workshop on the elements of the job search |
Readership Survey (2003) | AZ Student Media |
Readership pool administered in print surveys and online during November 2003. Surveys designed to measure readership of Wildcat, reader satisfaction and perception of accuracy. |
Student/Alumni Assessment (2003) | AZ Student Media | Exit survey for student workers asking about levels of satisfaction, preparation, motivation and career goals. |
Survey of ASUA Student Leaders (2003) | ASUA |
Survey focused on how involvement in student government allows students to have experiences that encourage and promote psychological and cognitive development of students. |
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