Assessment & Research
A central resource hub for co-curricular assessment housed in Student Success & Retention Innovation.
A&R curates the campus-wide undergraduate survey calendar. We also provide tailored levels of support at all stages, from developing the survey to sharing results.
We conduct surveys, coordinate data projects, provide professional training, and leverage data insights to improve undergraduate student experiences and outcomes.
What we do

Consultation and Coordination
We deliver individualized recommendations and resources for department and program-level assessment from planning, data collection, analysis, and use of findings.

Undergraduate Student Surveys
We serve as a hub for undergraduate survey efforts. Along with curating the campus-wide undergraduate survey calendar, A&R can provide differing levels of support at all stages, from survey development to communication of findings.

Professional Development
We offer trainings, semester-long programs, and on-demand resources developed to build assessment capacity on the University of Arizona campus.

Data Insights
We analyze and synthesize data and information from an array of institutional and national sources. We deliver action-focused insights to support grant proposals, strategic planning, and more.
Assessment & Research leads co-curricular undergraduate assessment on the University of Arizona campus. Along with coordinating large surveys efforts like the Student Services Fee Survey, A&R collaborates with campus partners to assess the impact of basic needs services on campus, student success programs, sense of belonging campaigns and more.
Learn more about how A&R fits within assessment networks at the University of Arizona.

Assessment & Research (A&R) focuses on the assessment of undergraduate students at the University of Arizona, with an emphasis on the co-curricular domain. The term refers to activities outside the classroom that seek to complement the educational curriculum and contribute to student success.
A&R also supports initiatives in the extra curricular and campus climate domain, in collaboration with campus partners working in the assessment space.