Survey information and links to reports can be found below for select surveys.
Review the Student Survey Calendar to identify upcoming surveys and consider future survey plans.
Surveys listed in navy cards are annual, while those listed in the lighter blue cards are intermittent and/or one-time surveys.
Graduating Senior Survey
The Graduating Senior Survey is the University-wide effort to collect information from graduating seniors on their post-graduation plans. This survey includes information on undergraduate students’ self-reported career and graduate school outcomes, salaries, engagement experiences, perceptions of learning and satisfaction related to their experiences at the UA, and much more.
Health & Wellness Survey
The Campus Health Service has been surveying UA students on a range of health indicators since the 1990s. Findings from the HWS to help improve programs throughout Campus Health, to share with other departments throughout campus, and to see where the needs are for students to better improve the health of our community.
New Student Interest Form
The New Student Interest Form’s (NSIF) primary purpose is the collection of new student involvement and career interests, intended engagement experiences as an undergraduate, anticipated support needs, and intent to graduate. These data are useful for informing support strategies for new students transitioning to the University of Arizona.
Arizona Online & Distance Education Student Experience
An Arizona Online and Distance Education Student Experience survey is administered to undergraduate and graduate students. Measures include perceptions of program onboarding, program quality, technology, access to course materials, work/family/life balance, and overall satisfaction. The survey results are used in prioritizing student needs within program offerings to support the student experience and their overall success.
Cost of Attendance (COA)
The Cost of Attendance Survey measures student educational expenses for the award year. Students from all campuses and careers are included (excluding UAGC). Information collected includes costs associated with housing & food, transportation, books & supplies, miscellaneous expenses and other expenses related to educational costs (professional attire, research, computer, and health insurance).
National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)
NSSE results provide a wealth of data to inform accreditation self-studies, benchmarking efforts, faculty and staff development programs, strategic plans, improvement initiatives, student support initiatives, and more. Specifically the survey gauges students' perceptions related to engagement indicators (Academic Challenge, Learning with Peers, Experiences with Faculty, Campus Environment) and high-impact practices.
NACADA Student Survey for Academic Advising
This survey is designed by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising for the purpose of understanding student learning, success, and completion based on academic advising. It will assist our campus to understand the ways in which students at the University of Arizona describe their interactions with academic advisors, as well as their perceptions of the effectiveness of those interactions.
University Safety Survey
The University Safety Survey is a University-wide survey to better understand the experiences of students, faculty, and staff related to campus safety and security. The survey explores a wide range of topics including respondents' sense of safety on campus, views of safety-related communications, interest in learning more about safety updates that have been implemented in recent months, and thoughts on future safety initiatives. Survey results will be used to guide institutional initiatives aimed at improving campus safety.
AAU Campus Climate Survey for Sexual Assault & Misconduct
The Association of American Universities (AAU), an organization of 62 distinguished research universities across the United States, initiated the Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Misconduct in 2015 and continues to challenge us to learn and act upon the voices of our students via the 2019 survey where we plan to build and enhance our efforts.
Study on Collegiate Financial Wellness
University of Arizona participates in a multi-institutional survey coordinated by Ohio State University of college students that examines the financial attitudes, practices, and Knowledge of students. More about the study and national reports can be found online through OSU's Center for the Study of Student Life.
Student Services Fee
UA students help determine how student services fees are directed through a comprehensive survey which informs the Student Services Fee Advisory Board in their decision-making of funding priorities. Results describe the degree of support of student services programs and initiatives and differences by student groups.
National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement
The National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE) offers universities an opportunity to learn their student registration and voting rates and, for interested campuses, a closer examination of their campus climate for political learning and engagement and correlations between student learning experiences and voting.
Campus Climate Survey
In 1996, the University of Arizona conducted its inaugural Campus Climate survey as a way to keep a pulse on student and campus life. The University has continued to assess and measure the student experience, utilizing findings to challenge campus leaders to step up on behalf of their students.
Student Basic Needs
The UA Student Basic Needs survey seeks to identify the degree of basic needs Wildcats experience and barriers to existing resources and services that are available to remedy them. Results are used to provide benchmarked changes over time that monitor strategies and inform the UA Student Basic Needs Coalition discussions and planning efforts.