Resources and templates to help you prepare, conduct, and communicate your assessments and evaluations.
Assessment Foundations
Assessment Cycle - Use this framework to implement systematic and ongoing assessment of learning and programs.
Assessment Domains - Differentiate between four different areas for assessment in higher education: curricular, co-curricular, extra curricular and campus climate.
Equity-minded Assessment - Identify recommendations for practice, key texts, and other resources to support equity-minded assessment.
Resource Guide: Building Inclusive Assessment - Co-authored by the 2024 Assessment Community of Practice, this document brings together tips, tools, and best practices in inclusive assessment from many disciplines and professional backgrounds. Whether your focus is quantitative data, qualitative data, or general principles of accessibility, this 10-page guide can serve as a primer and starting point.
Logic Models - Use this fillable worksheet to develop a logic model for your program or activity. This can be used to coordinate efforts and develop assessment plans to measure intended outcomes.
CAS Learning and Development Outcomes - Updated in 2023, this document created by the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education outlines domains of learning and development outcomes that can be used to assess the student experience.
CAS Light: General Framework for Assessment and Continuous Improvement - In partnership with SSRI Central, A&R co-developed this accessible guide based on the CAS General Standards. The “CAS Light” 2-page document has been adapted for the University of Arizona student success context as an approachable alternative to the full CAS program review. Special thanks to Campus Health for piloting this toolkit item.
Data Collection
Data Collection Methods - Consider various methods of data collection for your assessment project.
Department Student Data Planning Guide - This guide helps you determine an effective strategy to collect, manage, and prepare department-level data to inform student experiences and their success.
Student Learning Outcomes - Write measurable and useful student learning outcomes using the A-B-C-D method with Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy.
Propensity Score Matching - a step-by-step guide to conducting your first PSM analysis, complete with a glossary and resources for continued learning.
Rubrics - Develop your own rubric or use available templates to measure intended outcomes.
Selection Bias - Explore strategies to mitigate selection bias in your assessment of student success programs and services.
Survey Methodology
Survey Data Quality Control - Provides a checklist to prevent data loss and misrepresentation across data procurement, cleaning, analysis, and merging with other data sets.
Communicate Findings
Reporting Methods and Products - Tailor the communication of your assessment results to your audience using this matrix of options.
Data Visualization - Use this resource guide to enhance your data visualization skills.