Kendra Thompson-Dyck

She, Her, Hers

Dr. Kendra Thompson-Dyck serves as Director for the Office of Assessment & Research (A&R) and is a Research Affiliate of the Southwest Institute for Research on Women (SIROW) at the University of Arizona.  Her diverse portfolio includes applied and scholarly projects funded by the National Science Foundation, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Department of Education, and the Arizona Innovation Alliance.

Trained as a quantitative social scientist, Kendra leads projects in A&R designed to enhance student experiences and outcomes, including campuswide survey consultation and coordination.

Selected Publications

Thompson-Dyck, K. and Schalewski, L.  2023. “Collaborating with Stakeholders in the Assessment Process.” In Henning, G. Yousey-Elsner K. & Betrim, E. (Eds.), Coordinating Student Affairs Assessment, 2nd Ed.  Stylus Publishing. 

 Thompson-Dyck, K. 2021. “Neighborhood Context and Juvenile Recidivism: A Spatial Analysis of Organizations and Reoffending Risk.” Crime and Delinquency. 68(3): 331-356. DOI: 10.1177/0011128721999336


  • PhD, Sociology | The University of Arizona
  • MA, Sociology | The University of Arizona
  • BA, Communication | Seattle Pacific University